Bad logo designs

Daemi Dayo-kayode
3 min readJan 27, 2021

This is a good example of a bad logo, first off the brandmark used shows the designer’s lack of creativity and design ideation cause while it is a melon (which is the name of the company) it has no real ties to its counterpart wordmark as well as what the company does. Because usually when a company has both a brandmark and a wordmark, the brandmark is usually able to stand alone especially for branding products as it is usually identifiable to the brand and typically unique and that is something that this does not have. Also the wordmark used has no real sense of hierarchy because while “melon tech” does have its font size increased it doesnt really stand out, I would have bolden it to draw attention to it, another problem with that text is that the space between both words separates them making it seem like they are two separate entities.

As for this logo there is a glaring flaw because while the original idea behind this brand mark was probably to show a doctor at work on his/her patient it shows a very inappropriate interaction between the two again signaling inadequate time put into the Ideation process. Also another mistake that might be easy to miss is the fact that the company and the bottom text are slightly misaligned, creating a slight visual discomfort looking at the overall composition.

Good Logo designs

I really like this design cause I myself am partial to brandmarks that take natural occurring designs and company’s identity and morph them together to create something utter new and unique. This logo is for a moving company that specialized more in helping home owners move, and to move the homes items are placed in boxes and then carried by the crew into the trucks that will then transport the customers effects to their new home, a very simple, straight forward process. And so the designer took two naturally occurring elements ( a hand and a rectangle) and arranged them in such a way that on one hand it shows a hand picking up a small box(pointing to how effortless the process is to the customer) and on the other hand the white space created in the design illustrates a house (straight up genius). The beauty of this logo doesn’t stop there, the simple clean sans serif used is also an indicator to the smooth and simple transition the whole process would be to the customer.



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